Parent Training

The best programming to assist individuals with developmental disabilities is always designed with this question – will the parents and caregivers be able to follow through with these interventions when the specialists are not here? Parents and guardians spend the largest amount of time with their children and Schaefer Education Solutions wants to make sure you feel confident and secure in the fact that you can carry out our recommendations to the best of your ability.

Schaefer designs programs and interventions that will help your child fulfill their potential and are also realistic and can be incorporated into your lifestyle. We offer trainings and consultations with parents to teach you the skills that you need to be effective and to answer any questions that you may have. Schaefer Education Solutions offers a comprehensive team approach to enhance your child’s ability to learn and reach their goals.

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(513) 399-8947
Ext. 101 for Scholarship Services
Ext. 102 for Insurance Services